Hosting a Party? Make These – ‘Cause They’re Awesome.
I have heard flutters of conversation and seen posts about "Cake Pops." For some unknown reason I want to say it really slow, like, Caaaaaaake Pops, because after you have one you go into this weird trance-like state from the overwhelming goodness.
You Raise ME Up, Josh Groban!
Josh Groban is coming to Tulsa and struttin' his stuff on the BOK Center Stage May 20th! Do you have your tickets?? Quick! Go get 'em if you don't!
Tulsa Zoo presents Starry Safari!
The Starry Safari is a member-only zoo overnight adventure that will happen one night only on Friday, May 20th, 2011 at 6:00pm. You'll have a chance to tour the zoo AFTER hours ( cool and oh-so-exciting!) and swing over to the Nature Exchange for some more fun.
We’re Baaaaaack!
After a brief hiatus, is back! (applause, applause!) We took a vacation to a deserted island, lived off the land for a while and then decided that Tom Hanks did a good enough job of that in “Castaway” and packed up and headed back home. Tulsa we missed you! Did you miss us? Don’t […]
Luxury living at the Mayo Hotel
The Mayo Hotel Lofts are near completion. The stars made it a destination, you can call it home. State of the art modern luxury living. Act now, space is limited. Only 70 luxury residences with 22 floor plan are available for rent. View the floorplans (pdf) Contact Macy Snyder for questions or to schedule a […]
Dining Out for Life
Make a difference and save a life by eating at your favorite restaurant this Thursday, April 30th. Participating restaurants will donate up to 25% of your bill to the fight against HIV/AIDS in the Tulsa community. Proceeds will benefit H.O.P.E. (Health, Outreach, Prevention, Education), the only free, anonymous HIV testing and counseling site in northeastern […]
Community Gardens
City Council is considering a proposed ordinance amendment that would allow Community Gardens by right in all zoning districts. What an old-fashioned concept…growing your own food and sharing with your neighbors. The idea really brings you back to a simpler time, and I like that. The downtown Brady Heights neighborhood has already adopted this concept. […]
Tulsa Entrepreneurial Spirit Award
Got a big idea for a business? Make plans to attend Mayor Kathy Taylor’s Tulsa Entrepreneurial Spirit Award Kick-Off Celebration at the Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame on Thursday, April 2. Come celebrate Tulsa’s entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs at this event sponsored by SpiritBank. The 3rd Annual Tulsa Entrepreneurial Spirit Award business model competition will […]
Tulsa’s Top 10 Twitter Users
Twitter is the 3rd largest social networking site that enables its users to send and read other users’ updates known as tweets. It’s gained quite a bit of momentum in the last year, and people love it for communicating and staying connected through the exchange of quick, frequent status updates. I’m posting a list of […]
New Stores and Restaurants
Lots of new stores and restaurants are sprouting up in downtown Tulsa and in the Broken Arrow suburb. In the downtown area, a couple new restaurants opened – the Dilly Deli opened its doors to people in the mood for a large sandwich, and Elote’, a fresh Mexican food restaurant, just opened for dinner. It […]