Hosting a Party? Make These – ‘Cause They’re Awesome.
I have been to several parties (wow, that sounds like I’m really trying to impress you with the party quantity. Well, are you? Ha!) as of late and I have heard flutters of conversation and seen posts about “Cake Pops.” For some unknown reason I want to say it really slow, like, Caaaaaaake Pops, because after you have one you go into this weird trance-like state from the overwhelming goodness.
Anyway. Back on track, Kristin! (cue up the Cake Pop daydreaming music here)
Okay – so if you’ve never attempted to make these – have no fear! I made my first batch the other weekend for one of the MANY (ha!) parties I have been attending (I know, the joke is getting old) and I got my feet wet and feel like I could really rock out on making these again. And I am seriously looking for excuses to make them. Hint, hint.
So, I basically knew that I wanted to be creative, make something that people wouldn’t spit out and see if I could actually make these suckers…errr…I mean…pops.
There are several sites that talk about how to make these delicious dreams – but the one that I found to be the most straightforward and helpful was this sweet (and I mean that) little website called The video was all I used becauseI just happened to stumbled across it via YouTube.
My words of wisdom, bits of advice, two cents or whatever when you’re making these would be: 1) to make sure the cake is cooled before you crumble it, 2) understand that mixers are your best friend, 3) put crazy things on top, 4) don’t overheat your chocolate! and let the cake stuff cool long enough (refrigerator is probably best) so the chocolate coating covers it well. My chocolate got a bit to hot so I ended up swirling the chocolate and it did actually look pretty cool in the long run.
I purchased my cake pop sticks, edible glitter, and chocolate (dark chocolate and blue chocolate with vanilla flavor) at Michael’s. Then I motored over to Reasor’s where I purchased two cake mixes (strawberry for the dark chocolate and triple chocolate for the blue), icing (get the regular stuff – I went with strawberry and chocolate), ingredients for cake mix, sprinkles, coconut, fresh strawberries and bacon! YES! I cooked and crumbled bacon on my dark chocolate pops and they rocked (if I do say so myself!).
Alright, so that should be enough to keep you busy for a while. Throw on your apron and get to cookin’! Save the cake mix on the spatula for me though. Yum. Thankyoukindlybye!